Funding Model and Processes

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Background to NFM and Guidance

New Funding Model: the Movie
An easily-explained overview of the new funding model in a 5 minute movie produced by the Global Fund. Featuring the Global Fund’s Head of Grant Management, Mark Edington, it explains how partners can achieve greater impact against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria worldwide.
Engage! Practical tips to ensure the new funding model delivers the impact communities need
This guide – developed with members of the Joint Civil Society Action Plan (JCSAP) Task Team and their constituencies provides an overview of the GF funding model and concrete ways of how all members of civil society can meaningfully caucus and engage in GF national processes.
¡Participa! Consejos prácticos para asegurar que el Nuevo Modelo de Financiamiento logra la repercusión que las comunidades necesitan
Engage! en español
Participez! Conseils pratiques pour que le nouveau modèle de financement ait l’impact dont les communautés ont besoin
Engage! en Français
Подключайтесь! Практические рекомендации по использованию новой модели финансирования для удовлетворения потребностей сообществ
Engage in Russian
UNAIDS GENDER ASSESSMENT TOOL: Towards a gender-transformative HIV response
The Gender assessment tool for national HIV responses is intended to assist countries in assessing their HIV epidemic, context and response from a gender perspective, helping them to make their HIV responses gender transformative and, as such, more effective. The Tool is specifically designed to support the development or review of national strategic plans (NSP) and to inform submissions to both country investment cases and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM).
Application Materials: Single-Country Applicants
Application materials and instructions for Standard applications, TB and HIV, and HSS
Application Materials: Multi-Country and Regional Applicants
Application materials and instructions for Regional applications (Expression of Interest)
The Global Fund’s first two e-learning modules on CCM Eligibility and Regional Applications
Two e-learning modules created by the Global Fund on ‘Eligibility Requirements for Country Coordinating Mechanisms’ and ‘Understanding Regional Applications’
Strategic Investment Guidance & Information Notes
Strategic Investment Guidance has been developed with technical partners. These materials aim to support countries in using investment approaches to support the development of strong national strategies and are non-Global Fund specific. The Global Fund information notes aim to ensure that investments made through the Global Fund are directed towards areas where they can have maximum impact and provide value for money, keeping in mind the principles of equity and human rights.
Online Grant Management Platform: Concept Note Demo (Video)
The Global Fund’s new online grant management platform allows users to collaborate on the request, review, approval and management of grant funds. This video demonstration outlines the concept note section of the platform for single-country applicants. Note that the platform is still under development.
UNDP Checklist for Integrating Gender into the New Funding Model of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria
This Checklist has been developed (Early 2014) to support the integration of gender-responsive components into the implementation of HIV programmes supported by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria.
Checklist pour l’intégration du genre dans le nouveau modèle de financement du Fonds mondial de lutte contre le sida, la tuberculose et le paludisme
The UNDP Checklist en Français
Lista de verificación para integrar el género en el nuevo modelo de financiamiento del Fondo Mundial de lucha contra el SIDA, la Tuberculosis y la Malaria
The UNDP Checklist en español
Gender in The Global Fund: Overview of the New Funding Model
Global Fund Powerpoint presentation (mid 2013) summarising where and how to “maximize opportunities” for gender programming within the New Funding Model (NFM).
Global Fund Strategic Investment Information Note
Global Fund Background information to provide guidance for applicants for HIV/AIDS grants to employ strategic investment thinking in the development and review of National AIDS Strategies and in the preparation of Global Fund concept notes.
Civil Society engagement in NFM: CCM Pilot concept paper
Global Fund document (September 2013) – information on a pilot initiative aimed at enhancing the “quality engagement” of country coordinating mechanisms (CCMs) with networks of key populations and people living with the diseases. Special funds are available for CCMs for this work.
UNAIDS Support to Countries in the New Funding Model
Draft UNAIDS document indicating how it can and will support countries in the Global Fund’s New Funding Model (NFM).
Role of UNAIDS Country Directors in New Funding Model
This is a message from Michel Sidibe, UNAIDS Executive Director to his staff, on the role of UNAIDS Country Directors in New Funding Model. This can help understand what can be expected from UNAIDS regional and country offices in preparing for Global Fund applications.
ICASO Civil Society Global Fund Application Preparedness Guide
International Council of AIDS Service Organisations (ICASO) guidance document (July 2013) intended to help standard applicants — those eligible to begin applying for funding in 2014 — navigate the New Funding Model (NFM).
NFM roll-out: expected timelines
One-page summary of roll-out plans, as of 27 November 2013. (Source: the Global Fund)
List of frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the NFM and answers from the Global Fund. (Source: the Global Fund, 28 November 2013)
NFM summary info and engagement tips
Brief, easy-to-read overview of the NFM followed by “Top 10 tips: what your country can do to prepare for the new funding model”. (Source: the Global Fund)
Regional applications: initial guidance note for working with and through the NFM
Official Global Fund publication listing eligibility criteria and applications steps and procedures for regional applications. (Source: the Global Fund; dated November 2013)
Eligible Countries 2014
A list of 2014 eligible countries for the New Funding Model.
Cartoon of the New Funding Model
A cartoon produced by the Global Fund that simply explains the new Funding Model Process.
Also available in French, Russian and Spanish

Assessments of NFM

Communities Consultation on the NFM: Final Report
Communities Delegation Consultation Meeting report (from a consultation organised by the Communities Delegation of the Global Fund Board in January 2013) to discuss the New Funding Model (NFM).
Communities Consultation on the NFM: Action Plan
Agreed Action plan by the Communities Delegation of the Global Fund Board (January 2013) to discuss the New Funding Model (NFM).
Communities Consultation on the NFM: Final Statement
“Communities statement” released by participants at the end of a consultation organised by the Communities Delegation of the Global Fund Board (January 2013) to discuss the New Funding Model (NFM).
NFM Rapid Assessment
Open Society Foundation Document (June 2013). Provides “early feedback” to the Global Fund to contribute to the development of the NFM. The report focuses on assessing local civil society participation in the process in three “accelerated early applicant” countries: Burma, El Salvador and Zimbabwe.
The Experience of Zimbabwe with the Global Fund’s New Funding Model
Zimbabwe’s Ministry of Health and Child Welfare prepared report (June 2013). Provides a comprehensive review and analysis of the country’s experience with “testing” the NFM as an early applicants.
EHRN Regional Initiative on HIV and Harm Reduction for Eastern Europe and Central Asia: first steps, processes and lessons learned
The Eurasian Harm Reduction Network (EHRN) was invited by the Global Fund to submit one of three regional proposals as part of the NFM pilot phase (“early applicants”). Its is the only HIV-focused regional proposal. EHRN has closely documented its experiences of being in the first wave of NFM applications.

Country Dialogues

Engaging with Country Dialogues
Note for the record on Women4GF virtual session: engaging with country dialogues.

Global Fund E Learning Modules

You can access all of the E learning modules online via the Global Fund Website here  or download PDFs below:

Achieving inclusive country dialogue
Civil society engagement 
(You can watch this E learning online or download a Zip file only)
Understanding regional applications
Eligibility requirements for CCMs

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