This newsletter (also available now in Arabic, French, Spanish and Russian) has been developed together with the CRG Regional Platforms in your regions to ensure that Women4GlobalFund (W4GF) Advocates are accessing Global Fund Community, Rights and Gender Strategic Initiative Technical Assistance (TA). We hope to see more women in all our diversity accessing TA in line with the Global Fund’s Strategic Objective 3 “to promote and protect human rights and gender equality”.
“As a leader and youth representative at the Uganda Country Coordinating Mechanism (2017 – 2020), I thought TA was for only fully established organisations not led by young people. I was wrong.”.
Patricia Humura, Activist, blogger and amazing woman, Uganda
Accessing TA can be a key part of your efforts to be strategic, organised, inclusive and representative, including by being a source of financial assistance to support the participation of a diverse group of women (including adolescent girls and young women) in national Global Fund processes. So – If you have not already applied for TA then you should.
Despite ongoing key challenges at the national level we would apply for TA again and think this is a valuable opportunity for women to organise to ensure our strategies and budgets response to our needs and rights
Olena Stryzhak, Positive Women, Ukraine
The Global Fund is committed to supporting the meaningful engagement of women in Global Fund related processes and throughout the funding cycle so that communities can meaningfully engage in Global Fund-related processes.
Read more here
Applying for TA is important. It gives you additional resources to support women and key and vulnerable populations. The process was straight forward – Don’t delay!
Cecilia Lodonu-Senoo, Hope for Future Generations, Ghana