News & Updates

2015 Concept Note Submissions – Technical Support Available for Communities

Gender equality advocates, including women living with HIV, have limited engagement in the process of Concept Note (CN) development and during the country dialogue process according to a survey commissioned by Women4GF (with the support of ASAP associates) among women advocates. This includes women’s advocates who are members of Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs) and other […]

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Update: Technical Review Panel (TRP) Feedback on Concept Note

The Technical Review Panel (TRP) as of last quarter 2014, reviewed 39 Concept Notes (CNs) of which 31 were approved for grant-making, with the remaining due for re-iteration and resubmission to address concerns highlighted by the TRP. The iterative process of the Funding Model is an ongoing feature to strengthen proposals for compelling cases of […]

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W4GF Francophone Workshop on Gender Equality and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Marrakech, Morocco. 7 – 10 December 2014.

Du 7 au 10 décembre 2014, les défenseurs de l’égalité des sexes se réuniront à Marrakech pour parler de l’égalité des sexes et du Fonds Mondial de lutte contre le sida, la tuberculose et le paludisme (le Fonds Mondial). Cette réunion du W4GF sera la première à se dérouler en français et tentera de réunir […]

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APNSW & ASWA Capacity Building on the Global Fund, Human Rights and Gender, Siem Reap, Cambodia. 8 – 13 August 2013.

Overview APNSW is the Asia Pacific regional network of sex work projects. APNSW is a sex worker initiated and lead organisation representing sex worker organisations in Asia & the Pacific. APNSW members include National sex workers networks, sex worker run organisations and sex worker projects representing male, female and transgender sex workers. All APNSW members share […]

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Update: Concept Note Submission Schedule

The Global Fund has updated the concept note submission schedule for 2015 based on the learnings of applicants and country teams in 2014.

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Participate: Survey for Key Affected Communities on Country Dialogue Process Deadline 3rd October

​The Communities Delegation to the Global Fund Board is conducting an analysis of country dialogue processes following the launch of the funding model this March. In order to develop strong recommendations to ensure the meaningful engagement of key affected populations in the new funding model process, the Communities Delegation would like to ask for your […]

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