News & Updates

Robert Carr Civil Society Networks Fund (RCNF) : RPF 2018 NOW OPEN!

Calling all W4GF advocates linked to regional and global civil society networks!   The Robert Carr Civil Society Networks Fund (RCNF) has announced it Request For Proposals (RFP) for 2019-2021. The deadline to submit proposals is August 13, 2018 at 12:00 (noon) CET  RCNF is inviting proposals from global and regional civil society networks who are: addressing critical factors protecting […]

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GNP+ and APN+: VOICING COMMUNITY INTERESTS IN THE GLOBAL FUND: A resource for communities living with HIV and key populations

W4GF congratulates The Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+) in partnership with Asia Pacific Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS (APN+)  on this new resource  Voicing Community Interests in the Global Fund as a tool to strengthen active community engagement within Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs). At national levels, 40 percent of decision-makers in grant committees are […]

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Introduction A W4GF webinar took place on Monday 28 May. W4GF global advocates engaged with the Global Fund Secretariat (GFS) on Challenging Operating Environments (COEs). The discussion was moderated by Maureen Murenga, W4GF Advisory Group member and Director of the Lean on Me Foundation. As outlined in the EANNASO Community Guide to the Global Fund’s Challenging […]

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W4GF Webinar Notes: TB Gender Assessments (April 17, 2018)

Introduction A W4GF webinar on Tuesday 17 April 2018 provided space for 13 W4GF advocates and partners to engage with the Global Fund Secretariat (GFS), Stop TB Partnership and Eastern Africa National Networks of AIDS Service Organisations (EANNASO) around TB gender assessments. The TB gender assessment tool was adapted from the 2010 UNAIDS Gender Assessment […]

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Women4GlobalFund World Malaria Day Statement: Ready to Beat Malaria

Ready to Beat Malaria is the theme for World Malaria Day 2018. In recent years, the world has made historic progress in the malaria fight, reducing malaria mortality by more than 50% between 2000 and 2015. However, funding has plateaued and progress stalled. The WHO 2017 World Malaria Report estimates that malaria is present in […]

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CONGRATULATIONS Maurine Murenga and Erika Castellanos!!   The Communities Delegation living with HIV and affected by Tuberculosis and Malaria Delegation (Communities Delegation) to the Board of the Global Fund announced the appointment of two new Global Fund Board Members. Ms. Maurine Murenga will serve as an incoming Board Member and Ms. Castellanos as the Alternate Board […]

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Revised Application Process: BACKUP Health (Germany) Technical Assistance

The application process for BACKUP Health technical assistance has been revised. The recently amended application process is intended to be both simplified and efficient. Those interested should submit a one-page summary of the applicant’s proposed project. Once the funding request has been reviewed and feedback provided by BACKUP Health, a detailed proposal should be submitted and accompanied by […]

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Generic Checklist to Support the Implementation of WHO 2017 Guideline on the SRHR of Women Living with HIV

W4GF advocates please note this important new tool that supports communities of women living with HIV to influence policy. Women living with HIV, in all their diversity, continue to face barriers to accessing services that meet their sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR). Violence, intimidation, stigma and discrimination are a few of the deterrents women […]

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Administrative Change at Women4GlobalFund – Transitioning to a Community Network

We write to share news about administrative changes at Women4GlobalFund (W4GF). As of March 2018 W4GF has transitioned to the International Community of Women Living With HIV (ICW Global) as its new administrative partner. Please read on to know more about the details, our herstory and our future. Where are we now? 2018 is a […]

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