News & Updates

Zelda Nhlabatsi from Eswatini – Rest in peace

This Africa Day as we celebrate African unity and freedom we are sad and shocked to hear of the passing of Zelda Nhlabatsi from Eswatini. Zelda was the Executive Director of Family Life Association of Eswatini. Zelda was also a Women4GlobalFund (W4GF) Advocate, who participated in the very first W4GF Global workshop in July 2013, […]

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Developing Country NGO Delegation 43 Global Fund Board Meeting Constituency Statement

Developing Country NGO Delegation 43 Board Meeting Constituency Statement  Find the statement made by the Developing Country NGO Delegation at the virtual 43 Global Fund Board meeting (14 – 15 May) as they urged the Global Fund not to forget their core business and principles in the development of the new strategy and the COVID-19 […]

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Women4GlobalFund Webinar: Women engage in the Global Fund Strategy development process!

Women4GlobalFund Webinar: Women engage in the Global Fund Strategy development process! Why this webinar? Women4GlobalFund (W4GF) in partnership with the Developing Country NGO Delegation invite you to a webinar on the Global Fund Strategy Development Process. The Global Fund is commencing a lengthy process to develop their next six-year strategy (2023–2028). A key priority is to ensure […]

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Women4GlobalFund statement ahead of the 43 Global Fund Board meeting

Promote and Protect Human Rights and Gender Equality Ahead of the 43 Global Fund Board Meeting Women4GlobalFund (W4GF) submitted a statement to Global Fund Secretariat and Board. To download the full statement click here ___________ Women4GlobalFund (W4GF) wishes the Global Fund Board a successful virtual dialogue and we trust that all Board discussions include a […]

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Webinar Notes & Recording: Window 1- How are we doing on women and girls?

W4GF organised an informal webinar on 8 May 2020 to hear and learn from countries that submitted funding requests in this new allocation cycle of Window 1. Please access and listen to this dynamic and useful discussion here and review the notes of this webinar here The community speakers are all engaged at the national level […]

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Funding opportunities: Responding to COVID-19

W4GF has pulled together key funding opportunities available for women’s rights organisations and networks responding to COVID-19. The Women’s Peace & Humanitarian Fund (WPHF) is now accepting applications for the WPHF COVID-19 Emergency Response Window Apply for new funding opportunities that support your local civil society organisation in its efforts to respond to the COVID-19 global […]

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HER VOICE FUND: Don’t miss this request for proposals open to Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi and Namibia working with adolescent girls and young women

The Global Network of Young People Living with HIV, Y+ Global is managing the implementation of the HER Voice Fund in 13 Global Fund priority countries. The second request for proposals (RFP) is open to networks and organisations, community groups and civil society organisations in Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi and Namibia working with adolescent girls and […]

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Women4GlobalFund advocacy brief: The Global Fund and the response to COVID-19

Women4GlobalFund (W4GF) stands in solidarity with people around the world as together we face the growing COVID-19 pandemic, and congratulates the Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria (Global Fund) for taking early action to support countries with extreme vulnerability. COVID-19 has drawn into sharp focus the uneven vulnerabilities around the world, and specific […]

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