News & Updates

W4GF is looking for a Programme Officer to support our core work

Terms of Reference: Women4GlobalFund (W4GF) Programme Officer Title: Women4GlobalFund (W4GF) Programme OfficerReports to: W4GF Global Coordinator Primary Functions: To support the day-to-day functions of the W4GF team; to coordinate involvement and inputs of W4GF Advocates, including mobilisation in countriesTimeline: May 2021 to May 2022Contract Type:  Part-time, 0.4 f.t.e. (2 days per week)Duty Station: Work remotely 1.   Background  W4GF was created […]

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Draw the line against Malaria by strengthening gender-related data

Women4GlobalFund World Malaria Day Statement This World Malaria Day (25 April 2021), Women4Global Fund (W4GF) stresses urgency for the Global Fund to do more to promote and support the collection and use of gender-related data on malaria in all its investments. Whilst all people exposed can be affected by malaria we know that gender plays a […]

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How do you access Global Find Technical Assistance?

This newsletter (also available now in Arabic, French, Spanish and Russian) has been developed together with the CRG Regional Platforms in your regions to ensure that Women4GlobalFund (W4GF) Advocates are accessing Global Fund Community, Rights and Gender Strategic Initiative Technical Assistance (TA). We hope to see more women in all our diversity accessing TA in line with the Global […]

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Strengthening gender in the global TB response

Join this webinar that W4GF is organising together with TB Women and the Stop TB Partnerships to ensure countries address gender inequalities in the global response to TB. The webinar will provide updates from the Global Fund; from the Stop TB Partnership on TB gender assessments that have taken place to date; and we will hear from TB Women on key priorities and opportunities. […]

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The clock is ticking for us to end TB and gender inequality

‘The Clock is Ticking’ and time is running out for us to get it right and deliver on the commitments made by global leaders to end TB and gender inequality. The urgency is greater than ever due to the impacts of COVID-19, as lockdowns and service disruptions have reversed slow but steady progress in the global […]

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W4GF Statement to the Global Fund Strategy Committee

Women4GlobalFund (W4GF) wishes the Global Fund’s Strategy Committee a successful 15th virtual dialogue. As you review progress on Strategic Objective (SO) 3 as well as the outcomes of the Partnership Forums and theStrategic Framework, we trust you will keep gender equality and the priorities of women and girls at the centre as you move forward […]

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The UNAIDS Global AIDS Strategy 2021-2026

W4GF are excited to see the new UNAIDS strategy End Inequalities. End AIDS. Global AIDS Strategy 2021-2026, published on 2 March 2021, which will be presented to the PCB later this month. As part of the W4GF Strategy Development working group we included the UNAIDS strategy given that the Global Fund’s Strategy is aligned to […]

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Webinar: Update on the Global Fund COVID-19 Response Mechanism

Don’t miss this W4GF webinar If you want to know more about the future of the Global Fund COVID-19 Response Mechanism – to be launched at the end of March. The Global Fund is fundraising for is a minimum of US$5 billion to support the next phased of its COVID-19 Response Mechanism.Join us to find out what more […]

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W4GF celebrates W4GF Advocates this International Women’s Day

The W4GF Manifesto – Women in leadership: achieving an equal future This year’s International Women’s Day, Women4GlobalFund (W4GF) celebrate Women in leadership: achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world. We celebrate W4GF Advocates who are on the forefront of the response to HIV, TB and malaria in their countries, regions and globally.  Women have stepped up as never before – despite […]

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W4GF Manifesto

To download a printable version of this in English, French, Russian, Spanish We are diverse women working at national, regional and global levels who are engaged with the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund) and we care about how it spends its money to achieve gender equality.  We gather to highlight and confront unequal […]

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